There's something about the Devonport crowd that makes the whole event something bigger that the sum of it's parts... then you add the most credentialed fields in years and you have something that's just... just... enormous!!
The Devonport crowd understands Carnival competition... and the crowd brings something extra. And the crowd that understands, infects the crowd that's just beginning to understand. They're watching top athletes, many of them scratching out a living by entertaining a crowd... and winning means much more than wearing a sash.
Some athletes are fulfilling a dream... some of them are earning their keep. Either way, the competition is exhilarating and a Devonport crowd is part of the spectacle. Be the crowd.
Subscribe for updates.
December 29th
Start time 1pm
Ends 10pm approx
Total prize money $35,000+
Drinks and Food available from:
Spilt Milk and Beans
Wolf and Hound
What the Fork
Berry Indulgence
Grassy On The Go -Red Grasshopper Pizza
Saya’s Thai & Lao Food
Delicious Dutch Donuts
Sailor Food Truck
Devonport Football Club
Proposed Schedule of Events
Events for 2023 include the following.
A full program with start times will be added as soon as it becomes available.
For updates, please subscribe here.

Our sincere thanks to the Tasmanian Government for their crucial and ongoing support of this iconic series!

Cathy & Peter Broun • Trudi Jones
Our sincerest thanks to the Australian Radio Network for their expertise and support as we re-build awareness of this iconic series.